liaison office,Tokyo,Japan,export,import,respresentacion,asesoria de comercio international,importacion,exportacion,interprete,Japon,Tokio,traducciones

Liaison office Representation in Tokyo
About us
Contact us
Representacion en Tokio Asesoria Comercial
?Quienes somos?
Company name Cosmo International Ltd.
Adrress 2-12-6-1F, Hatagaya,Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 151-0072 Japan
Telephone number +81-3-5333-6533
Fax number +81-3-3378-5002
Established April 2000
Managing Director Fumie Hata
Main activities Representation of foreign companies in Tokyo
Import & Export consultant for Japanese companies
Satisfied Clients are the key to our success

The Managing director of the company has experience serving clients both in England and Spain as the sole representative of a Japanese company importing products from all over the world.

Our Business Support Centre services are based on actual business experience gained from traveling around the world visiting trade exhibitions and suppliers. All our services were created by carefully evaluating the requests of various business persons we've talked to.

When you visit another country on business, you won't have any problems booking air tickets and hotel accommodation but you need to be a lot more prepared to carry out your business smoothly without wasting your precious time during the stay. We can help make your Japan visit more productive.

You could have made your business cards and leaflets in Japanese in your own country but it is expensive and takes time, because you have to order them from a translation company and send them to a printing company with Japanese language facilities. We can take care of your translating and printing needs more effectively directly here in Japan.

Our prices are very reasonable and delivery time is shorter because we do all processing among the same group of companies.

We are expanding our services based on the demand of our clients. Any suggestions are welcome. We would like to be your secretary in Japan.